Baylor University Athletics

Marketing + Brand Promo

BU athletics announced a new mission statement: "One Standard. One Accord." They needed an engaging way to get students, athletes, and fans alike excited about the news. That's why BU decided to create a (pre-game) marketing promotional animation with their values at the forefront. Our goal was to make that happen and together knock everyone's socks off.

MCC designed the mission statement video from ground zero, using the strong BU identity as the backbone for the style. The intense, pre-game video uses bold imagery and stop-frame animation paired with loud music that will bring anyone to their feet. These animations do precisely what they are supposed to: create brand excitement, stop everyone in their tracks, and make all fans–including opponents–wish they were Baylor Bears.

*Editors note: BU commissioned a second mission statement animation. View this animation here.

Services →

Creative Direction
Motion Design
Audio Mixing


Case Study

Marketing Promo Video | Baylor University Athletics


Borax™ | Explainer + Website


ChurchEd. | Promo + Explainer